terça-feira, 6 de outubro de 2009

Palestra com pesquisadores da Microsoft Research.


Nesta terça-feira, dia 06 de outubro, a partir das 14 horas no Auditório Verde, receberemos dois (ou três, estamos aguardando a confirmação do terceiro) pesquisadores da Microsoft Research. São pesquisadores de renome que vem ao Brasil para diversos compromissos e, a convite do Prof. Luciano Digiampietre, estarão
na EACH para ministrar palestras.

Gostariamos de convidá-lo para assistir a essas palestras. Temos certeza de que é uma oportunidade muito boa para adquirirmos novos

Segue abaixo um resumo da palestra e um breve currículo dos palestrantes.

Conto com a presença de todos. Qualquer dúvida, entre em contato.



Palestra 1: Windows Academic Program: Supporting OS Teaching and Research World-Wide

The Windows Academic Program provides universities with Windows kernel source code, curriculum materials, and a project
environment for teaching and research operating system principles. The program components include the Windows Research Kernel
(WRK), the Windows Operating System Internals Curriculum Resource Kit (CRK) and ProjectOZ. This talk will briefly review the
program components, including source code for the core of the Windows kernel and the original design documents, and focus on the
instructional material and resources with examples of the successful use world-wide. The talk will conclude with a discussion
on what’s coming next for this and other academic programs at Microsoft.

Palestrante: Arkady Retik, Principal Program Manager – Academic, Microsoft Corporation
Arkady Retik is Principal Program Manager overseeing faculty programs in Educational Group,
Microsoft, Redmond. Before that, he worked on several development projects in the Server’s Windows
Management Infrastructure group. Prior to joining Microsoft in 2000, Arkady served for a decade as a
researcher, faculty member and professor in several universities (mainly in UK). He taught and researched
a variety of subjects in computing and engineering. Arkady established and directed the Virtual Construction
Simulation Research Group at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, pioneering research in advanced visualization and VR.
He holds a DSc in Computer Aided Design and Planning from Technion, IIT. He was recently made a Visiting Honorary Professor
at Glasgow Caledonian University.

Palestra 2: Evolution of the Windows Kernel Architecture - Win7 and Beyond
The core architecture of the Windows kernel differs significantly from UNIX, though many of the functions are necessarily
similar. This talk will cover the Windows kernel architecture, focusing on areas of difference from UNIX. Then some
specific recent kernel changes will be described: integrity levels, removal of the hottest kernel locks, and the move towards
user-mode scheduling to support the ConcRT task-based concurrency run-time. Finally, the talk will look at some of the OS
challenges ahead due to the silicon power-wall and the resulting heterogeneous multi-core/many-core systems that will dominate
the PC landscape within a few years.

Palestrate: Dave Probert, Kernel Architect - Windows Core Operating Systems Division, Microsoft Corporation
Dave Probert is a kernel architect within the Windows Core Operating Systems Division at Microsoft where he is currently
working on the next generations of Windows. He is also the architect for the Windows Academic Program, developing
both the WRK package and ProjectOZ. Previously he managed kernel development for Windows, starting with the Windows 2000 release.
Dave Probert joined Microsoft in 1996, after earning his Ph.D. in Electrical & Computer Engineering at UC Santa Barbara
developing the SPACE project with Prof. John Bruno. His prior industry experience includes serving as Vice President of Software
Engineering at Culler Scientific Systems, consulting for various companies on UNIX kernel internals, and working as a
systems architect at Burroughs corporation designing hardware and writing microcode for the B1900. During Spring Quarter 2009
Dave Probert taught the undergraduate operating systems course at University of Washington's Bothell campus using Windows.

Profa. Dra. Sarajane Marques Peres
Curso de Sistemas de Informação
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Artes, Ciências e Humanidades
Av. Arlindo Bettio, 1000
Ermelino Matarazzo
CEP: 03828-000 São Paulo, SP

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Vídeo institucional da EACH parte 1.

Vídeo institucional da EACH parte 2.

Opiniões sobre o ciclo básico da EACH. 1

Opiniões sobre o ciclo básico da EACH. 2